Fillmore East
Living With War: In The Beginning
Living With War
Prairie Wind DVD
Greatest Hits
Greendale DVD
Greendale CD
Rust Never Sleeps
Red Rocks
Silver & Gold
Year of the Horse
Lean by Jarre
Shadows and Light
"Forrest Gump: Music Artists & Times"
An Upstream Multimedia Production
Produced and Directed by L.A. Johnson
with Ned Hall, Tim Broderick, Phil Denslow,
Michael Diehl and Valorie Wiggins
A 3-disc Mac/PC CD-ROM
presented by GTE Entertainment and Paramount Pictures
"... stands head and shoulders above other music offerings. An easy-to-master interface leads to superb interview and performance footage of the movie's soundtrack artists. Anyone with an interest in the '60s and '70s won't want to miss this relatively inexpensive three-disc set."
-- PC Entertainment
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